Windows 8 Sports News App: Sports Republic
Sports Republic is available in Sports category of Windows Store. You can find all news of sports at one place and share your favorite news with your friends. This app updates the sports news itself and you can follow your favorite sports; of your choice. The download size of the app is less than 3MB and it needs an internet connection to update the news frequently.
About Windows 8 Sports News App:
Sports Republic is a good sports news app to use on your Windows 8. It keeps you updated on all sports games and you can browse pictures of sports events. Let’s see how to use this Sports Republic app on Windows 8.
The home page of the app looks as shown in above screenshot. You can see two sections named: editorial and favorites.
- Editorial: In editorial, you can view top news, all news, and pictures. In top news you will see live tiles of news that are highly rated or most viewed by users. By clicking on all news, you can view news of all games at one place; as shown below. In pictures category, you can view the images of all the sport events at one place.
- Favorites: In favorites you can view tiles of various sports like: baseball, hockey, basketball, etc. And if you want to add any new sport to your list, then scroll to the end and click on blank plus symbol. Then you will see a new screen in which you can add your favorite sports (like shown in below screenshot). You will see three sections like: selection, last added, and most popular. From there, choose your favorite sport and click on it to add to the homepage.
When you choose a category, you can view news on that category. Right click on the screen, then you will see options like: refresh, remove favorite, and pin. Use refresh option to refresh the news, uncheck favorite option to remove it from your list on the homepage, and pin option to pin the news to your Windows 8 start screen. You can also use the share option (Windows + C) to share the news to your friends and Search option (Windows + Q) to search for your favorite sports categories like shown in below screenshot.
Features of Sports Republic App:
Here are the features of Sports Republic App:
- This Windows 8 sports news app is free.
- Create your own channels and view the topics that interest you by using the add option.
- You can share or search for news of your interest.
- Read news from top online sports resources.
- Read news on this app using Snap mode also.
Installing Sports Republic On Windows 8:
Sports Republic can be installed by using this web link on Internet Explorer of Windows 8. From there navigate to Windows Store directly and install the app.
Also read other Windows 8 Apps like: Live Scores Hub or ESPN App.