Redesigned Windows 8
Here is a quick post on Redesigned
The default Windows explorer of Windows 8 interface has 3 Tabs namely Home, Share and view tab.
Home Tab
When we select any file in explorer, most of the functionalities on Home Tab get enabled. We can copy, paste, delete, rename and select multiple items.
Share Tab
Share Tab has options for sharing files. Other options include email, fax or zip a file. Advanced security options and options for sharing to specific persons on the network are also there.
View Tab
View Tab includes options to change the manner in which files are displayed in the explorer. The files can be displayed as tiles, small icons, large icons etc. Direct options for displaying file extensions, and hiding files are also available in the Tab.
Earlier this feature was available in Folder Options Tab in Windows 7.
My computer
After opening My computer, we get Tab options for mapping a network drive, opening control panel and uninstalling a program. Disk tool tab has options for burning CD’s and formatting drives. Picture tool tab is available after selecting any picture for selecting the picture as background or for starting slide show. Application tools tab can be used for selecting apps to the task bar. Other than the mentioned tabs, File tab is also there for opening new explorer windows.
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