Hive Mind: Windows 8 Puzzle App

Hive Mind is a Windows 8 puzzle App which looks like a Sudoku type puzzle game. This Windows 8 game will let your brain to burn its nerve cells to solve this puzzle. It’s a bit tricky and complicated to solve this puzzle for Windows 8, but this is fun too.

We can use our brain to solve this game app for Windows 8 and can utilize our time to solve this brain teaser. Most of you people have played Sudoku at least once in his or her lifetime. Well, this is the same kind of Windows 8 puzzle game you will experience here. You just need to open up your mind and give this game for Windows 8 a try.


Well, here is the game, and I know no one can get this in first time. The rules and regulations are quite simple. You just have to compete the hive with the Hive Word given below with 7 different letters. You have to complete the Flower within the hive with the unique  letters into each cell.

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You can also get the tips with the help of Tips option provided in between the game. Just click on the cell and select the letter you want to insert or you can simply drag the letter to the cell. Just achieve your high score by beating the time on the top. There are a number of tools to use like Pen tool, Pencil tool, and Eraser tool. You can figure out their purpose by reading the instructions of the game.

So, install this Windows 8 puzzle game and you can give yourself a great brain teaser with this Windows 8 App.