FML: Windows 8 Posting App for Real Amusing Daily Stories

FML is a free Windows 8 posting App which can be used to post your daily interesting updates. Unlike other usual posting apps, this app for Windows 8 is something different where you can post your short stories to speak your heat out so that you can feel relaxed.

It’s actually a fun space to share your latest anecdotes and short daily stories or some amusing facts that happened to you on a daily basis. You just have to create an account or just read the posts of other users as a guest using this Windows 8 posting app. You can have a number of categories like Love, Money, Animals, Kids, Intimacy etc. And I bet, you will have a great time reading those amusing and interesting daily happenings by others and can also reply them by connecting to them.


You can see the category list and you can also publish your short stories by starting it with ‘Today’ and ending it with ‘FML’. Just click on the post you would like to read and you can have your way with it. You can also give him/her a compliment or whether you agree with him or just poke him.

Check out our post on more Windows 8 Apps.


See, you can also add comments and you can check whether you agree with the other user’s post and whether just stroke him that ‘You Deserve It Dude’. If you want to take part in the euphemism you have to connect yourself to FML and you can also publish your post with the help of this amazing Windows 8 app.


You can illustrate your latest anecdote with the help of pictures or photograph you want to use and just share them with others by validating through your account. And just have a look with the Share button. It’s like an amazing place to hang around and tell stories to your friends and all you can do this by installing this Windows 8 Posting App available under the “Social” category of Windows 8 store.