Shooting Game For Windows 8: The Last Commando II
How To Install The Last Commando II on Windows 8 Devices:
This free shooting game occupies approximately 108 MB space on your computer. It can be downloaded and installed from Windows App Store. Type the name in the search box in App Store to find this game’s download page. If your want to spare yourself some time, then keep reading and click at the direct link available at the end of this article on free shooting game for Windows 8.
How To Play The Last Commando II on Windows 8 Devices:
This shooter game for Windows 8 has excellent story telling and game play. You will like the way you are briefed about your missions before playing them, and an overview of the target is provided. You will need your mouse and keyboard to play this game. Use the WASD keys to move, use mouse to see in different directions, and click to shoot. Use the scroll key to change weapons.
When you start playing this shooting game, you are displayed the map screen of this game. The first level is unlocked and the other levels unlock as you complete the level before them. Simply click on the icon to enter the level.
Here as you can see, you are being briefed about your mission. Read all the intel before you begin to play.
Take a look at your target very carefully as you decide to enter. Your commander is counting on your, and so are the hostages. Click on Skip to begin playing this awesome shooting game for Windows 8.
Slowly sneak into the terrorist’s camp and eliminate your targets one by one. Use your gun, knife, machine gun, etc. to finish off the troops. Your current weapon is displayed on the upper right corner of the screen. A map is also available on the upper left corner of the game screen. The bar on top displays your health status.
Kill an enemy in this FPS game for Windows 8 to snatch their armory. Simple click on the screen to pick their gun.
Final verdict:
This shooting game for Windows 8 is an entertaining one as it has various levels to play. The game visual is excellent and runs without any lag. This is a must have game for the lovers of shooting games.
Download The Last Commando II for Windows 8 and 8.1 computers.