Permanently Delete Files In Windows 8
It is very easy to download a software or file on any OP including Windows 8. However, when you delete a file, it saved back to “Recycle bin”. One can anyhow restore the file even if you have deleted it from the bin. I have a solution to the same. read it right. Below, I have written about a software that lets you deleted files in Windows 8 OP.
The all new Windows 8 Operating System built-in with Metro interface has given Microsoft a great vision towards public opinion.
Blank and secure is a free portable tool which allows you to permanently
Key Features Of Permanently Delete Files In Windows 8:
- Supports multilingual languages like German and English
- overwrite the files with zero.
- Portable tool for secure delete of data.
- Removes the deletion history or tracks from hard drive.
- Fill the free space with null.
- This tool overwrite the files 1-35 times with Null and delete it.
- Makes data recovery impossible after deleting with this tool to permanently delete files from PC.
- You can set after completion of deletion process auto exit the program.
- You can even set delete delay from 0 to 9 seconds.
How To Install Blank And Secure To Your PC:
- To install Blank and secure to your PC, click here.
- Click on download link.
- A zip file would be downloaded to your PC.
- Unzip the file format.
- Click on setup *.exe file format.
- Now, this program will automatically get started on your PC.
In short, this portable tool completely deletes file from your hard drive without any possibility of recovering it. You must try it out if you want to completely remove any data from your PC.