Free Windows 8 Photo Album Maker App: Whip
This Windows 8 photo album maker app is present under the Photo category in Windows Store. Use the Windows 8 Search Charm to locate the app in Windows Store, or follow the link given at the end of this article.
Creating a Photo Album using this Windows 8 Photo Album Maker app:
This free Windows 8 photo album maker app works smooth, and the UI is very intuitive. There are live tiles here and there in the app. They, along with the other static tiles, makes the app look really beautiful. The app has got multiple colors, which really makes the app shine. The tiles are actually the Whips (photo albums) that you and other users have created using the app. Obviously you need to have a Whip account to create and share the whips. If you haven’t got one, then no need to worry because, the app let’s you make one within itself. You can use the Windows 8 Settings Charm to do so. Also there are other option for the same.
The moment you launch the app, it asks you to login. Once you login with Whip credentials, you’ll get the Main Screen (as shown in the first screenshot). This screen contains 3 labels (more like categories): HotWhips, WhipStream, and MyWhips; containing their respective Whips. Plus there are 3 buttons: Create, Activities, and Whip Shop. Whip Shop is where you can shop for Whip templates and other apps developed by ArcSoft (developers of this app). Activities is where you can see all your Whip activities, and Create is for creating a new Whip.
Simply click on Create, and you’ll get directed to a screen to choose the photos. One good feature here is, you can actually select multiple photos at a time. This makes the app more faster as well as easy to use. Once you select all the requisite photos, you’ll get directed to second step screen, which lets you choose the frame style. There are multiple beautiful styles, that you can choose. One good thing about this style screen is, it also shows you how the Whip will look. To name some styles, it has Art Deco, Contemporary, Crazy, Pastel, and Photo book.
After that click on the arrow at the top right corner of screen. This navigates you to the final screen, where you actually make some modifications on Whip. The modification includes adding textual comments, headings, and whip name. One good thing that I liked here is, the app supports easy and simple instructions for these. So, you won’t face any problems in making modifications.
In order to make the Whip more interesting, you can also add a background sound to the whip or a recorded voice. A recorded voice adds more personal touch to the Whip. Also, there are multiple beautiful sound symphonies available, to be added as background sound.
You can get the buttons for these, by right clicking on this third and final screen. If you feel like the Whip needs more photos, then you can add as many photos as you want any time, by clicking on the Add Photo button at the bottom left corner on the bottom flyout. When you are done with everything, click on the Play button on the top right side of the screen. This shows a preview slide show of the Whip. After that click on the Upload Button, present besides the Play button. That’s pretty much it!
You can view all your Whips within the app itself; to view, simply click on its tile. This directs you to that Whip’s Screen. Right click here, and you’ll get a flyout containing options to Play, Like, Comment. Simply click on the desired button to do the requisite task. These buttons are easy to use and are self-explanatory.
The other most important feature of this app is, it is a Social photo album app for Windows 8. You can actually view the profile of other users, and follow them as in Twitter/ Pinterest etc. Simply click on the Follow button at top right corner in any Whip’s screen to follow that user, or click on the user name to view his/her profile.
Key Features of this Windows 8 Photo Album Maker App:
- Freely available.
- Good Windows 8 photo album maker app.
- Create photo album of multiple photos and publish them on Whip’s cloud.
- View slide show of whips created by other users.
- Play, comment, and like Whips.
- Share a Whip on Facebook and Twitter or mail it using Windows 8 Share Charm.
- Integrated with Windows 8 Search Charm.
Also check out these 3 free Windows 8 Photo Makeup Apps.
Final Note:
Whip surely is a good Windows 8 photo album maker app. It is functional. People will get attracted with the beautiful looking UI. Switching between screens is easy and smooth. Though I missed the Home button, and also option of pining and favorites. Also, when I switched between this Whip app and other Windows 8 apps, my account got logged off each time. Still overall, the app worked fine, and I had fun making Whips. The app is a good start and is gaining popularity. Also getting 4 out of 5 stars in Windows Store, does means there’s something good in the app. Definitely worth a try.
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