How To Install Apps In Windows 8

The very new Microsoft’s Windows 8 has tons of amazing apps in its Apps Store. The apps have been categorized into various topics such as Games, Entertainment, Social,  You can download and install all the available apps directly from the Windows 8 Apps Store.

Installing an app from Windows Store is as easy as it is to access. Here is a quick step-by-step tutorial on how to install apps in Windows 8.

How To Install Apps In Windows 8:

Go onto the Windows 8 Menu Screen, click on “Store”


It will quickly bring you the Windows 8 Apps Store, from where you can install any of the available apps. Click on the one you want to install immediately. Like I clicked on “Cut The Rope” game app.


This will bring you the Download Screen of the app. Click on “Install”, in order to install the app.


Yup…its done. Now, just come back to the Windows 8 Start Menu Screen. The the has been successfully installed in your Windows 8 apps menu screen. Click the installed one to access it instantly.

Also, check out our post on How To Search an app in Windows 8.

Go ahead and install as many apps as you like at zero cost.