Windows 8 Freeware: First Post

Hello Everyone – This is my first post at Windows 8 Freeware. I wanted to outline agenda of this website in this post. As is apparent from the name, this website is completely focused on Windows 8. It will cover topics and software related to Windows 8 only.


Here are some of the things that will be included in this website:

  • News about Windows 8
  • Tutorials about Windows 8
  • Free Software for Windows 8

Our major focus will be on the 3rd bullet above: Freeware for Windows 8. Once production version of Windows 8 is out, we will start writing about free software that work with Windows 8. However, that is at least a year away.

Meanwhile, we will be rigorously working with developer and beta versions of Windows 8 to find every feature included in Windows 8, and will write about them.

It will be very exciting and lots of fun. Make sure you subscribe to our RSS feed, and Like our Facebook page; so that you know whenever we publish a new post.

Let’s get started!