Racing Game For Windows 8: Drift Rally Racing
How To Install Drift Rally Racing on Windows 8 Devices:
This racing game for Windows 8 can be found on Windows App Store. With a size of 44.5 MB, it is worth a steal. Go to the Windows App Store, search for this game in the search box. You will also find a download link at the end of this article. Click on install, and it will automatically download and install this racing game for Windows 8.
How To Play Drift Rally Racing on Windows 8 Devices:
With real physical response and handling, this racing game for Windows 8 gives you an awesome driving experience. Use the Navigation keys to control the car. Space bar can be used to apply hand brake and drift the car. Tap on the home screen to begin the game.
When you begin to play for the first time, you will be asked to enter your name. Click on options to change the control options. If you are using a tablet, you can change the controls to Tap or Tilt. Click on challenges to select levels.
Only the first level is unlocked if you are playing for the first time. Once you clear level 1, level 2 will be unlocked. Simply click on the level window to begin this racing game for Windows 8.
Your competitor is a car which will begin the lap with you. Try to stay ahead of that car. When you face corners, try to Drift as much as you can. The more you drift, more points you will collect.
On the top left corner of the screen of this racing game for Windows 8, you will view the number of laps, lap time, drift points, best lap time, and last lap time.
Our Verdict:
This is a high definition racing game for Windows 8. Visuals are too appealing, and the sound effect is good as well. The car responds to controls pretty crisp and you feel like you are actually simulating a car.
Download Drift Rally Racing for Windows 8 and 8.1 today.