Manage Personal Info In Windows 8: AM Notebook
Its Personal
AM Notebook is a personal information manager supporting spreadsheets with formula, notepads, flowcharts, tasks manager, to do list creator and contacts in a tray icon. Over this software to manager personal info, you can use spreadsheet along with formulas for calculations such as average, multiplication, sum, and the like.
In addition, you can take notes, save all important contacts and find them whenever required. Plus, this personal info manager allows you to check yearly, monthly, weekly, or everyday calendar, thereby tracking each moment of a day.
Installing AM Notebook in Windows 8 is very much like how we install it in other OS such as Windows 7, Windows XP, and the like. But before I jump down directly to its installation procedure, let me quickly jot down the main features of this Software to manage personal info.
Features of Software To Manage Personal Info:
- Open spreadsheets and notes in various tabs
- Create notes with various formatting features
- Spreadsheets come up with formulas
- Create flowcharts and diagrams
- Manage ToDo List
- Check Calendar
- Lets you encrypt notes
- Lets you keep track of each single moment by providing calendar
- Create Personal address book
How To Install AM Notebook In Windows 8:
- Go onto the homepage of the website.
- Click on “Download”
- Double-click on the downloaded file in order to run
- Select a version “Free” or “Pro”
- Choose an edition Install to PC or Install to USB
- AM Notebook will soon download as you proceed up with upcoming instructions.
Also check out our post on Windows 8 Software To Convert Files.
Yup…there you are. You have successfully downloaded the personal info manager. Go ahead and try out yourself now…!