Free Adventure Game For Windows 8: Six-Guns

Six-Guns is a free adventure game set in the Wild West that is designed for the Windows 8 platform by the developer Gameloft. The game runs very smoothly on all Windows 8 devices, and the graphics are amazing. The background track of the game has that wild feeling to it, something that you would relate to the cowboys of the west. In fact, in the game you play as a cowboy yourself! You get missions to complete that can be accessed through the map menu, and through the shop, you can buy your weapons (more to that later).

All in all, Six-Guns is pretty damn decent game to play on your Windows 8 device, and it can get really addictive!


Controls of the game…

  • W – Move forward.
  • A – Move left.
  • S – Move back.
  • D – Move right.
  • Mouse click (left) – Fire gun/punch/use dagger
  • Mouse click (right) – Reload the weapon
  • M – Access the map
  • B – Access the shop
  • H – Call your horse

Well, that pretty much winds up the controls of the game!

Gameplay of this Windows 8 Adventure game…

When you launch the game, you will be presented with a neat interface where you can choose to begin a Single Player Game, Multiplayer Game, access the Options, etc. Once you start a single player game, you will be presented with a movie about the main protagonist of the game (the cowboy, as whom you will play). Then, the game starts. Throughout the game you will get tasks that you can accept by clicking on accept button.

Six-Guns: Tasks

The above image is of a task. Click the Help button and you can help the person. In this particular task, you have to beat the hell out of the two men who were pestering the lady. Now, these are the small tasks. In the game, there are main missions (or Quests) as well that can be accessed by going to the map, and then clicking on that quest. To bring up your map, click on the M button on your keyboard.

Six-Guns: Quests

Your location on the map will be denoted by the red arrow pointer. You can click on a quest on the map and it will be activated. Now, you have to go to the quest location to complete the quest.

Once you complete the quest, you will be shown a cool cutscene movie (which of course you can skip by pressing the Esc key).

Six-Guns: Movie Scene

Oh, and did I tell you that you get your own horse to travel to quest locations? Dayumn!!!

Six-Guns: Gameplay

To call your horse and sit on it, simply press the H button. If you happen to be standing near your horse, simply pressing the E button will make you sit on the horse.

There is a lot of shooting action involved in the game, which will surely keep you glued!

Six-Guns: Action

This pretty much sums up the entire game. Overall, the game has decent graphics, and is definitely worthy of being called a great game! Do check it out.

Also check Kikoriki and Funny Bunny Adventures.

The Verdict

This is how I would rate this game-

Gameplay – 8.5/10

Controls – 8/10

Cutscenes – 7/10 (The game is biased towards non touch devices, playing on touch devices is a little harder)

Graphics – 8/10

AVERAGE TOTAL – 7.875/10 (We’ll just call it a 8/10!)

Overall, the game performs well, and is definitely worthy of being checked out! What have you got to lose? After all the game is free!

Get Six-Guns here.